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Resources > Using SSNAP data in research > Data requests > Accepted aggregate data requests

Accepted aggregate data requests

The table below lists aggregate data requests produced by SSNAP following appropriate procedures. Each request contains the title of the study, reason for request, contact name of the person making the request and a contact email.  



Contact name

Contact email


March 2018

Age breakdown of patient characteristics and outcomes for thrombolysed patients  



Little information is available from RCTs on the use of thrombolysis in young patients, including those aged 16-17. These data give the breakdown by age group of patient casemix, thrombolysis timings, complications and change in NIHSS for thrombolysed patients. Click here to download the data

November 2017

Patient characteristics split by evidence of dysphagia

Professor Craig Smith, Salford Royal Foundation Trust


Data was requested to assist in calculation of sample size for a clinical trial of oral hygiene intervention in stroke care.
Data requested include the age, NIHSS, length of stay, pneumonia rates and Rankin at discharge for patients with and without evidence of dysphagia.

Click here to download the data

September 2016


Professor Rustam Al-Shahi Salman, Edinburgh University


SSNAP provides customised data exports reflecting, as closely as possible, recruitment criteria for the RESTART (ISRCTN71907627, and SoSTART ( trials. The utility of these data exports was studied in a stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial within RESTART (see protocol and statistical analysis plan)

March 2016

Haemorrhage admission numbers if on anticoagulation

Dr. Nikola Sprigg, Nottingham University


Data was requested to assist in calculation of sample size for a clinical trial in acute intracerebal haemorrhage. This research group was awarded a NIHR CRN: Stroke / British Association of Stroke Physicians Portfolio Development Writing Group Grant in 2015; Implementation of a hyperacute care bundle to improve outcome after intracerebral haemorrhage.

Data requested included number of ICH patients admitted to stroke units across England, baseline demographics (including pre-morbid rankin, use of anticoagulation) and mortality.

November 2015

Determinants of early mortality, and early care indicators split by high vs low risk of early mortality

Dr.  Martin James, Exeter University 


The purpose of the data request was to understand the implications for acute stroke of the NHS England 7-day clinical standard that patients with an expected mortality of 10% should be assessed by a senior decision-maker within an hour of hospital arrival. It enabled us to identify a sub-category of stroke patients (either with a haemorrhage or ‘not alert’ on the NIHSS) who have a significantly higher mortality compared to the alert infarcts and who would fit the 7-day clinical standard definition. They appear to represent getting on for a quarter of all acute strokes admitted.

November 2015

Physiotherapy intensity split by patient characteristics

Mark McGlinchey, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation Trust 


Evidence suggests that physiotherapy can optimise functional outcomes post-stroke although it is unclear how different patient factors influence its provision. The aim of this descriptive study was to investigate factors associated with physiotherapy provision to hospitalised stroke patients.

Click here to see more information on the project

May 2015

Thrombolysis eligibility split by patient characteristics

Professor Richard Thomson, Newcastle University


Given that treatment with intravenous alteplase (thrombolysis) for eligible patients with acute ischemic stroke is underused and treatment rates vary across the UK, we conducted a study that sought to elucidate factors influencing variation in clinicians’ decision-making about the offer of thrombolytic treatment. A discrete choice experiment (DCE) using hypothetical patient vignettes was conducted with UK-based clinicians to provide insight into what patient and clinician factors influenced decision-making.
Link to protocol paper:

Click here to see more information on the project

May 2014

Therapy intensity split by NIHSS neglect component

Prof Audrey Bowen, Manchester University


A preliminary analysis was conducted on therapy use and outcomes split by presence/absence of cognitive impairment on NIHSS and was presented at the UK Stroke Forum 2015. More detailed analyses are currently underway following the award of a research grant by the NIHR HS&DR programme to Tyson (CI), Bowen, Gannon, Vail and Bray.  Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme: Investigating and Evaluating Stroke Therapy (SSNAPIEST).

October 2015

Bespoke figures provided for annual report for teams in Wales

Clare Reece-Archer, Welsh Government


Key Indicators 2015-16, 2016-17 Data was requested for Welsh patients in order to produce a Welsh Government report on stroke delivery

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Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme
Kings College London
Addison House
Guy's Campus


0116 464 9901