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Audits > Dates and deadlines > Reporting outputs- frequency

Reporting outputs - frequency

SSNAP reports to all directly admitting teams and other inpatient teams every 3 months, which means that SSNAP data is readily available for the benefit of those who use it. 

Please see below for a comprehensive table of the frequency of reporting outputs.
Individual team outputs (only visible to users registered for this team) Frequency
Individual team Results Portfolios Quarterly
ESD/CRT and 6 months Providers Results Portfolios Twice per year
Individual team Slidedecks Quarterly
Individual team Slidedecks (ESD/CRT) Twice per year
Thrombolysis tool Quarterly
Individual CCG/LHB outputs - soon to be Integrated Care Boards  
CCG and LHB Dashboards Annually
All teams (national) outputs  
All teams (national) Summary Report Quarterly
All teams (national) Performance Table Quarterly
All teams (national) Results Portfolio Quarterly
Regional outputs  
Regional (ISDN) ESD/CRT Slidedecks Twice per year
Regional (ISDN) Slidedecks Quarterly
Regional (ISDN) Results Portfolios Quarterly
All CCGs and LHB outputs - soon to be Integrated Care Boards  
CCG and LHB Results Portfolio Annually
National outputs  
Easy Access Version (EAV) report (national) Quarterly
Public table of mortality Annually
CCB/LHB Public table of mortality Annually

All SSNAP reports are available to download from our SSNAP results portal You can view the outputs for each reporting period here, in addition to annual reports.

For the upcoming reporting schedule, please see our reporting outputs forthcoming dates.

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Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme
Kings College London
Addison House
Guy's Campus


0116 464 9901