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Historical tools

Best Practice Tariff tools
Best Practice Tarriff tool version 2.4 (for BPT 2016/17) Download the tool here
Best Practice Tarriff tool version 2.5 (for BPT 2017/18) Download the tool here
Best Practice Tarriff tool version 4.1a (for BPT 2017/18) Download the tool here
Best Practice Tarriff tool version 4.1b (for BPT 2017/18) Download the tool here
Best Practice Tarriff tool version 4.3 (for BPT 2017/18) Download the tool here

DIY analysis tools
DIY Analysis tool 1.9 Download the tool here
DIY Analysis tool 4.3 Download the tool here
DIY Analysis tool 4.4 Download the tool here


Find us

Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme
Kings College London
Addison House
Guy's Campus


0116 464 9901